ESA Contact Number: 0345 608 8545

Contact the DWP’s ESA support team by calling their phone number 0345 608 8545 (standard rates apply) to speak to a general enquiries advisor about your Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) claim.

You can call this Jobcentre Plus helpline to get information about your ESA payments and to change any of your ESA payment details such as your registered address or the bank account which your ESA payments are made to. Furthermore please call this number to make a query about missing ESA payments.

Make a new ESA Benefits Claim – 0800 055 6688

Phone ESA for free by calling their freephone contact number 0800 055 6688 if you would like to make a new claim for Employment and Support Allowance payments. ESA is a UK government financial support system for those who are unable to work as well as a support scheme for individuals who require help in order to work. You should phone 0800 055 6688 for free if you have had a change of circumstances which mean you now have to claim ESA or changes in legislation mean you now have to claim ESA instead of your previous benefits. Furthermore you can download an ESA claims form from their official documents website

Dispute an ESA Decision – 0345 608 8545 & 0300 123 1142

Contact ESA to dispute a decision about your benefits by calling their phone number 0345 608 8545. Advisors on this helpline will provide you with assistance on getting a ‘Mandatory Reconciliation Notice’ which you will need in order to dispute an ESA decision. Once you have this notice you can then appeal the ESA decision which has affected your benefits to the Social Security and Child Tribunal by calling their England & Wales phone number 0300 123 1142 or their Scotland helpline 0141 354 8400 depending on which country you are reside in. You can download the form which you have to complete in order to dispute an ESA decision by going to the official Social Security and Child Tribunal document portal

ESA Complaints – 0345 608 8545

Contact ESA to make a complaint by calling their general enquiries phone number 0345 608 8545 if you feel like you have been treated unfairly by an ESA staff member or you feel you haven’t been kept well-informed about the decisions which affect your benefits. If you need to use a texphone service to make a complaint to ESA you should call their dedicated textphone & minicom helpline 0345 608 8551. Finally if you require welsh language services to complain to ESA or to contact ESA about any other matter you should phone 0345 600 3018 (os byddwch yn gofyn am wasanaethau Cymraeg i wneud cwyn i Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chymorth, ffoniwch 0345 600 3018).