Expedia Contact Number: 0330 123 1235

Phone Expedia on their UK customer care contact number 0330 123 1235 where travel advisors waiting to answer your enquiries about your flights, hotel and transfers.

Expedia is the perfect planning partner when the time comes to book tickets to your next great holiday. When you go to Expedia.co.uk you will be able to book inclusive packages selecting from flights, hotels, cars and combinations of these according to the type of holiday you wish for. This ease of booking makes planning your holiday extremely easy. They offer low prices on their packages with even better discounts posted on many of their destinations and services to allow you to enjoy your vacation at a cheap price. They offer a range of relaxing and party holidays thus you can plan a trip for yourself, for you and your loved one, your friendship squad or your family. The more people you have with you, the more enjoyable the holiday becomes, especially when you’re travelling to picturesque destinations all over the world.

If you have questions regarding the flight packages they promote on their website, then you can visit their Customer Support FAQs webpage here: support.expedia.co.uk. You can browse common questions that their customers ask and see if the proposed solutions can be used in your case.


Expedia customer services – 0330 123 1235

If the solutions to the issues you are facing can’t be found on their Customer Support page, then you can call the Expedia contact number 0330 123 1235 nationally to enquire about their latest flight prices and your hotel booking. Therefore if you have to amend ticket details due to an incorrect name you can phone this helpline to correct the error. Moreover if you have a complaint about a delayed flight or baggage then you can call this helpline to make a complaint, in extreme cases you may be able to apply for compensation particularly if your luggage was damaged.

If you’re abroad and would like to call them about your booked holiday package then you can use the Expedia international phone number: +44 203 024 8211. Both of these customer helplines are open 24/7 however their international helpline will be charged at a higher rate than the UK number and the exact charge will depend on which nation you are calling them from.

If you’re not in such a hurry and can wait up to 48 hours for a reply, then you can use the contact form here: www.expedia.co.uk/service. If you wish to send feedback or a review about a hotel you stayed at after booking with Expedia, then you can do so by responding to the email Expedia will send you regarding your stay.

If you want to send Expedia some feedback regarding their service or online interface, then please visit this page: www.expedia.co.uk/p/support/feedback.