JD Williams Contact Number: 0345 071 9018

If you want to contact JD Williams to place an order, to enquire about their clothing products and for customer service support then call them on their phone number 0345 071 9018.

JD Williams is a very popular direct selling company operating in the UK being the nation’s leading direct seller of fashion items. They have more than 6 million customers as well as about 3,500 employees working for the company, thus they ship to anywhere within the UK and have more than 20 catalogues to offer their customers.

Their products are mainly focused in women’s clothing and they are proud to say that they have clothes for all ages, shapes and sizes. They also advertise heavily that they have a great selection for plus-size women as well as taller ladies. They also claim that they don’t sacrifice comfort nor fashion when designing their clothes to cater for certain budgets and that every piece is designed to fit beautifully. They also ensure their customers that their shoes are priced low but have high value in terms of design, comfort and quality.


JD Williams contact number – 0345 071 9018

If you want to contact the JD Williams customer service desk on the phone, then you can use their multi-purpose customer service phone line: 0345 071 9018. You can place your catalogue orders through this phone as well as make changes to your account details and personal credit line. You can also dial this number for technical support when ordering dresses, shoes and handbags through their online website as well as to track an order.


Email JD Williams

If you prefer to email JD Williams then you can send them a message using their UK customer service email address general.enquiries@jdwilliams.co.uk. If you already have an existing account you should include your personal account number so that they can resolve your queries as swiftly as possible.


JD Williams Web forms

JD Williams also has specific online forms for customers to use in case of the following situations: