Ofsted Contact Number: 0300 123 1231

Contact Ofsted by calling their helpline telephone number 0300 123 1231 for general enquiries, to check if a nanny is registered and to complain about a school inspection report.

The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) is a UK government body which is responsible for inspecting state schools, childcare services and private nannies in the country. You should call their main general enquiries phone number 0300 123 1231 to find out more about their inspection services, to receive guidance on how to become a registered childcare provider and the requirements of becoming a private nanny. Additionally you can phone their telephone helpline for technical support with using the Ofsted Online web portal in the event you are unable to fill out an Self Evaluation Form (SEF) plus if you have forgotten your Government Gateway ID or password. This is also their complaints helpline so if you would like to complain about a social care provider, school or private child-minder you should direct these to this contact number. If you would like to lodge an official complaint about a recent school inspection you should also phone this number no later than 10 days after the inspector’s report into the school has been published.

Send a fax to Ofsted – 0300 123 3159

If you would like to send a document to Ofsted via telecopying please use their official fax number 0300 123 3159 where you can send information pertaining to your childcare registration or a recent school inspection report.

Schools helpline – 0300 123 4234

Contact Ofsted on their dedicated schools helpline phone number 0300 123 4234 to request a copy of a report about a recent school inspection, where you can also dispute the findings in this document. Furthermore you can also phone this helpline if you have recently moved to a new area in order to find out their ratings for all the state schools in the local area to help you choose which is preferable for your child’s education.

Emergency contact number – 0300 123 4666

Contact Ofsted immediately on their emergency telephone number 0300 123 4666 if you have a concern about a private childcare provider such as a nanny or a member of staff at a state-run school. It is vital that you get in touch with them as soon as possible on this number if you suspect a child is at risk of abuse in order to prevent them from being in danger.

Important Ofsted phone numbers

Ofsted department UK phone number
General enquiries 0300 123 1231
Schools helpline 0300 123 4234
Emergency contact number 0300 123 4666

Email Ofsted

Ofsted offer an official email address enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk where you can send general enquiries about their inspection and childcare services, where you can also send copies of documents relevant to a dispute or a nanny registration.

Postal address

If you would prefer to write to Ofsted using traditional postal methods you can send your letters to their official postal address which is provided below for your convenience; you can use their postal address for general enquiries and to send letters of complaint about an inspection or ruling that they made.

Piccadilly Gate,
Store Street,
M1 2WD,
United Kingdom.