QuoteMeHappy.com: 0345 030 6944

Phone Quotemehappy on this contact number 0345 030 6944 to request a car insurance quote or to discuss your current motor policy by making a claim in the event of an accident.

Quotemehappy.com is an online insurance brand operating in the UK which is underwritten by the popular broker Aviva. They specialize in car insurance but they also offer a select range of home insurance policies to protect your property and your valuable possessions. Quotemehappy.com is proud of being an online-only service as they claim that this is the reason why they are able to offer quality insurance policies at the lowest market rates. Because they operate only on their online platform, they actually let their policy holders control their own documents, policy and records, therefore if you are a policyholder with any of their insurance products you will be able to make changes by signing into your account with their website. This is particularly helpful for updating your personal details and renewing your existing policy with Quote Me Happy.


Quotemehappy claims support – 0345 030 6944

Although they primarily offer their services through their online platform you can still call insurance advisors at Quotemehappy.com by dialling their local-rate phone number 0345 030 6944 to make a claim following an accident, theft or fire. Quotemehappy.com is quick to remind everyone that this contact number can only be used for claims-related enquiries and nothing else, therefore if you would like to get a policy quote you will have to visit their UK website.


Quote Me Happy online forms

The full effect of any given insurance policy is only felt when the time comes to make a claim. With quotemehappy.com, making a claim is easily done online by visiting their dedicated webpage www.quotemehappy.com/claim-support, here you will find a number of options to make a claim on your car insurance, home contents policy or windscreen cover. After making a selection, you will be asked to divulge your policy information and details regarding the specifics of your claim.

You can also make a claim with the use of the Quote Me Happy MyClaims app on the iPhone or Android mobile operating systems. You can view the iPhone app at itunes.apple.com/gb/app/quote-me-happy-myclaims/id448159834 and the Android app is available from this Google PlayStore page: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.intsuretech.emobile.activities.

If you have other queries aside from claims-related enquiries then you can fill in this form found here: help.quotemehappy.com/contact-form. For instance you can renew your current insurance policy, change your registered details if you are moving home and to cancel your cover. They reassure their customers that they are online 24/7 however they make no promises as to when they will get back to you on your question. When you do send an email please put in all the necessary policy details and specifics of your enquiry so that they can resolve your query as quickly as possible.

Alternatively if you prefer to search for an answer yourself you can also browse their help pages at help.quotemehappy.com to get the answers to similar frequently asked questions (FAQs). They already have a bunch of helpful guides and tutorials to address many situations, so the insurance issue you’re facing may already have been answered here.