Sony Contact Number: 0207 365 2810

Sony UK customer services can be contacted by phoning their helpline phone number 0207 365 2810 for technical support with your PlayStation console, Xperia smartphone device or Bravia television screen.

Sony are one of the most recognisable electronics manufacturers across the globe due to their vast range of Xperia smartphones, Bravia television sets and their popular PlayStation video games consoles. You should call Sony customer services on their UK phone number 0207 365 2810 to contact advisors for technical support with your electronic device. For instance if you are not receiving signal on your Xperia smartphone despite no known fault with your mobile network. Similarly if you are experiencing poor sound and video reception on your TV screen you can call this helpline to request an engineer to be sent to your property to repair the fault. If the fault cannot be repaired you should dial this number to request an exchange or refund under your warranty, however if you do not have a warranty they are under no obligation to replace your device. On that note if they refuse to replace your device despite having a valid policy or if you suspect they deliberately sold you a defective electronics product then you may call this helpline to lodge a formal complaint against Sony.

Calls to the Sony customer service helpline will be charged at identical rates as calls to other UK local numbers, meaning those which start with either an 01 or 02 area code prefix. Lines are open 9am-6pm Monday-Friday so you will not be able to get technical support direct from Sony on a weekend, furthermore there may be closures on bank holidays.


Sony PlayStation enquiries – 0203 538 2665

Contact Sony on their dedicated phone number 0203 538 2665 for PlayStation enquiries to report a technical fault with your video games console and for the release dates of their latest titles. This is also the main helpline for enquiries about PlayStation Network (PSN) accounts so if you have forgotten your username or password you should consider calling this number to get these details reset.


Sony UK contact numbers

Sony department UK phone number
Customer services and complaints 0207 365 2810
Sony PlayStation 0203 538 2665
Sony smartphone technical support 0370 523 7237
Professional product support 01256 683 870


Write to Sony

Alternatively you may wish to contact Sony in writing, in which case please send your letters to their UK head office which is located at this Weybridge postal address:

Sony Europe Limited,
The Heights,
KT13 0XW,
United Kingdom.