USPS Contact Number

You can try contacting USPS on their American phone number +1-800-275-8777. However some doubt if you’ll be able to obtain customer support from the UK on this phone number and you will have to pay a significant international call charge if calling from Britain as it is not a UK freephone helpline – it’s only free to call from within the States.

The USPS, or the United States Postal Service, is an independent federal agency that acts as the national postal service provider in the US. You can think of it as the American counterpart of Royal Mail. The department traces its roots to the appointment of Benjamin Franklin in 1775 as the postmaster general. To date the USPS has more than 200,000 ground based vehicles in its US Mail arsenal, making it the largest fleet of civilian vehicles in the world.

Two of the world’s largest courier services, FedEx and UPS, are their biggest competition. Its business and position in the US market is however protected by the government-enforced monopoly, to the extent that other commercial couriers are prohibited from delivering non-urgent mail. These larger privately owned couriers therefore specialize in quick overnight or two day deliveries. Though these private firms are competitors, USPS has outstanding partnerships with them when it comes to some deliveries that they would not be able to fulfill.


USPS Phone Numbers

If you can’t find the solution to the issues you are experiencing with USPS, then you can call their customer service hotline on +1-800-275-8777. This is toll free only if you’re calling from the US so it is advisable that you check out their online help options if you are calling from the UK. This number is open 24 hours everyday so you can direct your enquiries about a missing delivery to them at any time of day.

Alternatively if you’re calling for technical support because you can’t get their website or web based applications to work properly, then call the US toll free number: +1-800-344-7779.

If you want to track your parcels, then you can use this USPS phone number: +1-800-222-1811 for live updates on the location of your package.


USPS on the Web

If you’re interested in learning more about the USPS service and postal products then you can visit their FAQs page here: You can learn a lot reading these USPS FAQ entries, you just need to select the topic on the topics list in the left column to view the sub-categories and solutions.

If you want to contact USPS over the internet then you just need to fill in this contact form: