Boots Contact Number: 0345 609 0055

You can phone Boots on their UK customer service contact number 0345 609 0055 to report to a problem with an order made online, for information about sales and discount codes for items such as perfumes and cosmetics or to speak to a medical specialist about a flu jab or their opticians services.


Customer Services – 0345 609 0055

Call Boots on their customer service contact number 0345 609 0055 to report a problem when completing an order online or navigating the store website. For instance, if you have forgotten to redeem any Advantage card points at check-out then you can cancel and re-order your item provided that it has not yet been shipped. Alternatively, savvy shoppers may wish to ask how to redeem a discount code upon check-out or whether a high street sale and 3 for 2 promotion are valid online. Similarly, you may wish to ask whether you can return specific items such as makeup and perfume or whether refunds are reserved for unopened cosmetics. Customers who have already completed an order from the Boots online store may be interested in asking for tracking updates on items that have been shipped but have not yet arrived. Finally, you may wish to ask when the high street chemist runs clinic days so that you can receive a flu jab or appropriate medical care when needed.


Online Pharmacy Helpline – 0345 301 4219

You can also phone Boots on their Online Pharmacy number 0345 301 4219 for information about medical prescriptions before placing your order online. You may be interested in ordering both a one-off and repeat prescription or would like product recommendations for common conditions such as acne, stench marks and hair loss.


Boots Opticians – 0345 125 3752

Alternatively, you can contact Boots Opticians on the following telephone number 0345 125 3752 to discuss the cost of prescription glasses and contact lenses. However, you may be required to book an eye test at your nearest branch of the high street opticians before making an order.


Call Costs and Opening Hours

Each of the Boots helplines use a contact number that begins with a UK geographic code, meaning that your call will be charged no more than the standard local rate when made from a UK landline or mobile phone. However, you can contact Boots for free if you have inclusive free minutes bundled with your landline or mobile tariff. The Boots call centre is available to take calls during the opening hours of 8:30am-7pm Monday to Friday, 8:45am-5pm Saturdays and Sundays, with lines open from 9am-4pm on UK Bank Holidays.


Boots Phone Numbers

Boots Department UK Contact Number
Customer Services 0345 609 0055
Online Pharmacy 0345 301 4219
Opticians 0345 125 3752


Email Boots Customer Services

If you have been unable to resolve your issue over the phone, then you can email the Boots customer service team on the following email address, with your order number and delivery address included in the body of your text.